The Carnival is over

…the carnage isn’t

1971—Hal is seventeen, with dreams of escaping from Moorabool to a life in the city. But right now he’s on a good behaviour bond and stuck in a job he hates, paying off the car he ‘borrowed’ and crashed. Hal’s packing-room job at the abattoir makes him a target for workplace bullies and the friendship of older, more worldly Christine is all that makes each day bearable. And when she doesn’t turn up for work, he’s shocked, furious and afraid.

Sergeant Mick Goodenough soon suspects that what happened to Christine is the same thing that happened to the newly-elected deputy mayor. When another gruesome ‘accident’ occurs in Moorabool, Goodenough is convinced there’s something sinister going on behind the scenes at the abattoir. Mick and Hal are both determined to protect their loved ones and dig up the truth. Before long each of them is going to find himself in mortal danger and running for his life from a killer out for revenge.

Greg Woodland, author of the acclaimed The Night Whistler, returns with another nailbiting rural thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.

Podcast Appearances

Killer Content with Emily Webb

Readabook with Anne Loder

Praise for The Carnival is Over

‘Greg Woodland’s cinematic imagination delivers with this fast-paced journey into 1970s small-town Australia. This is a wild ride.’

Hayley Scrivenor

‘This atmospheric, fast-paced and suspense-filled novel grabbed me from the first page and didn’t let up until the last. A thoroughly entertaining and terrific sequel.’

Rae Cairns

‘The Carnival is Over’ starts with a bang and doesn’t let up. Woodland is unafraid to tackle dark themes and his books are a welcome addition to Aussie rural noir.’

Natalie Conyer